Queensland Government Service Agreement Standard Terms: All You Need to Know

Businesses that are working with the Queensland Government will need to understand the Service Agreement Standard Terms to ensure compliance with the government’s requirements. This agreement outlines the standard terms and conditions that apply when businesses provide goods or services across government agencies.

This article will cover everything you need to know about the Queensland Government Service Agreement Standard Terms, including what they are, who they apply to, and the key terms you need to be aware of.

What are the Service Agreement Standard Terms?

The Queensland Government Service Agreement Standard Terms are a set of standard terms and conditions that apply to all service agreements entered into with the Queensland Government. This agreement outlines the rights and obligations of both the government and the supplier, which must be followed by both parties when providing goods or services.

Who Do the Service Agreement Standard Terms Apply to?

The Service Agreement Standard Terms apply to any supplier providing goods or services to Queensland Government agencies. This includes private sector businesses, non-profit organizations, and individuals who provide services to the government.

If you are a supplier who provides goods or services to the Queensland Government, you will need to familiarize yourself with these terms. Ensure that you adhere to the terms and conditions stated in this agreement to remain compliant with the government`s regulations.

Key Terms to be Aware of

The Service Agreement Standard Terms covers a range of important topics, including:

1. Delivery: This outlines the expected delivery timelines and requirements for goods and services.

2. Payment: This section outlines the payment process, including how and when payments are made.

3. Intellectual Property: This outlines the intellectual property rights and obligations of both parties.

4. Confidentiality: This section outlines the confidentiality requirements of both parties.

5. Liability: This section outlines the liability of both parties for damages caused.

6. Termination: This section outlines the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated.

It is crucial to familiarize yourself with all relevant terms and conditions and ensure that you adhere to them throughout the agreement period.


The Queensland Government Service Agreement Standard Terms is a vital agreement that businesses must understand and adhere to when providing goods or services to the government. It outlines the rights and obligations of both parties, and suppliers need to ensure that they follow the conditions stated in the agreement.

Suppliers should familiarize themselves with the key terms outlined in the agreement, such as delivery, payment, intellectual property, confidentiality, liability, and termination. Compliance with the Service Agreement Standard Terms will ensure that businesses can continue working with the Queensland Government and benefit from its contracts and tenders.